Friday, March 13, 2009

The problem with tv is the person pulling the trigger

I'm sitting here watching some couple on TV "living the life" having a 5-star glammed up luxury vacation in Dubai, saying they're getting the "authentic Middle Eastern experience." Authentic?? In Dubai? A place that was built to be a fake sanitized version of someone's warped idea of the Middle East? I probably have a more authentic Middle Eastern experience eating falafel in downtown Toronto. Riding a camel in Dubai is as authentic as going up the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas. It's even more fucked up than those dance shows that have judges crying and telling to the contestants that they will change the world through dance.

You know those people who automatically assume that anyone who doesn't watch TV is pretentious?

Fuck them.

I don't watch much TV. I usually claim it's because I don't have time, but that's not really true, is it? Most people don't have 30 spare hours a week to watch TV, but they still do it. No, time is there, time can be made and found.

The truth is that I don't watch much TV because I want to be deluded. I want to believe in the goodness of humanity and I want to believe that we aren't all a bunch of mediocre monkeys living mediocre lives having mediocre thoughts. Which is what I think after a couple hours of TV watching.

But every once in a while I turn on the TV because I want to be brain dead and I think TV will help, but it never works. It makes me angry. And ranty. It makes me think people are stupid. It makes me misanthropic and pretentious. So excuse me while I turn off my TV (read: change the channel).

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